Friday, 31 July 2020

Lose Weight For Your Wedding and Look Stunning in Your Dress

Your big day is approaching which is so exciting but I'll bet it feels like you don't have enough time to get everything done. I think every bride feels this way (although that probably doesn't make you feel any better.) You've got so many things to do, calls to make, invitations to mail, etc and most likely one of those things is to lose some weight so that you can look absolutely radiant in your wedding dress. In this article I'm going to give you some quick tips that will help you shed some of those extra pounds and feel good about yourself.

I really want you be careful to stay away from dangerous methods, like pills or starvation, because they don't work and can cause way more harm than if you just did nothing. I want you to lose weight for your wedding and keep it off so that you will look totally sexy in your bikini on your honeymoon.

1) Lose some excess water weight - I don't mean diuretics (please do not take these as they are risky and can be addicting.) What I mean is that your body is very smart and if it is not getting enough water on a daily basis, it will store it up. To combat this effect, drink 6-8 eight ounce glasses of water every day and don't worry, your trips to the bathroom will subside as your body gets used to having a regular supply of water.

2) Avoid excess salt - It is amazing how much sodium is in common foods we eat everyday. Salt will make you retain water. Try choosing foods that say low sodium or at least lose the salt shaker.

3) Start a circuit training program - This is one of the best forms of exercise to lose weight fast but without embarking on a 5 mile run everyday. Circuit training programs combine light strength exercises with cardio exercises. Not only will this melt the fat away, it keeps you from getting bored. Even just 45 minutes two or three times a week combined with good eating habits will help you lose weight.

4) Eat a good breakfast - Do not skip meals, especially breakfast. Skipping meals makes your body think it's being starved and it will over compensate by lowering your metabolism and causing you to gain weight. Breakfast is probably one of the most important meals of the day. Try whole grain cereals with skim milk (you'll get used to it I promise,) protein such as eggs (eggs are great and will keep your hunger at bay longer), oatmeal with blueberries or strawberries is also a good source of protein, but avoid the instant stuff (it's loaded with sugar.)

Trying to lose weight for your wedding shouldn't be a crash diet or a quick fix because you'll just gain it back and the last thing you want is to gain those extra pounds back on your honeymoon. You can lose weight fast and still maintain your health. Trying to lose weight should be a lifestyle, not something you dread because when you don't like to do something, you won't stick with it (this is just basic human nature.)

If you want to look even more stunning in your wedding dress than you already do, then please visit my website at [] You can lose the weight you want in the time you want and keep it off.

Congratulations on your wedding, I hope it turns out exactly as you've dreamed.

Best Wishes,

Amanda Barnes

Lose Weight For Your Wedding []

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Wednesday, 29 July 2020

5 Super Cool Weight Loss Tips For Busy Mums With No Time For Dieting

Are you a busy mom who wants to lose weight, but you don't think you have the time? Do you want to find more energy to keep up with your kids? Here are five tips weight loss tips to get you started.

1) Plan ahead - after the kids are in bed for the night, take out a notebook or journal and write down what you're going to eat the next day. Choose wisely; low-fat, high fiber, and lots of fruits and veggies.

2) Don't finish your kids' plates - moms are notorious for this; don't be tempted to finish every last morsel of food left on their plates.

3) Drink your water - Keep a water bottle with you and sip throughout the day. You should get 8 - 10 glasses in every day.

4) Eat with your kids - sit down and eat breakfast and lunch with your kids (if they're pre-school age.) You may not be having the same foods they are, but it will get you in the habit of a routine.

5) Use smaller plates - studies show that if you eat off of smaller plates, you eat less. Makes sense, right? Use the same size plates that your kids have. Try and fill at least half your plate with veggies, and the rest whole grains and protein.

As a mom, you know the importance of good nutrition and balance, but it's hard to do for ourselves what we do for our children. You can lose weight without sacrificing taste, time, or snacks, as long as you make healthier choices. Kids learn what they see. When they see mom eating healthier, they too will start to make better choices.

I have created an easy, powerful yet permanent weight loss plan to help you lose those unwanted pounds forever. The Body Image Mastery [] program was created to reveal THE MISSING LINK about why you have never been able to lose weight and keep it off forever.

By following this program you'll learn EVERYTHING that you need to do to stay motivated and committed plus become a powerful fat burning machine that will have you losing weight quicker than ever before -- but this time you'll be keeping it off for good. You'll look hot, healthy and sexy in the shortest amount of time possible. Go to [] now to start day 1 of your weight loss journey.

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Monday, 27 July 2020

What is The Dukan Diet?

The Dukan Diet is a dietary style that is getting traction and popularity lately. Developed by Pierre Dukan, a French dietician and nutritionist, it is primarily a diet rich in protein. First developed in 1975, it was only lately that it became popular, selling millions of copies and got translated into a variety of languages along the way. So what makes the Dukan Diet tick? We would try to find out with this article.

The story of the Dukan Diet traces its roots in 1975, when a general practitioner named Pierre Dukan was making his research about obesity. This curiosity came out because he wanted to find a solution for obesity after he encountered for the first time a patient with a case of obesity. Back then, the main treatment for obesity is to take in less food in general and less calories in particular. However, Dukan has made his research to try and look for a possible alternative to this method. Over that time span, he compiled all the results of his research and published them in 2000. In his book Je ne sais pas maigrir, a French phrase translating into "I don't know how to get slimmer", there he published all his findings. The results were astonishing to say the least, as it became a bestselling book, printing over 10 million copies and being translated into 14 languages in 32 countries since being released in 2000.

The Dukan diet is centered on 2 principles: allowed foods and ground pillars. The allowed foods are composed of around a hundred foods, including a list of 72 protein-rich foods and 28 specific vegetables. The ground pillars are better known as phases, procedures that you must follow in order to accomplish this diet successfully. The first phase, known as the attack phase, is known as the process in which metabolism is activated, speeding digestion up. Allowed to eat 72 specific foods rich in protein during the duration of this phase, during this process, the practitioner is expected to lose weight fast: around 2-3 kilograms within 1 week or less. The second phase, known as the cruise phase, is still similar to the attack phase, but the difference is that 28 specific vegetables are added into the diet. Weight loss is now slower, losing around 1 kilogram per week, but it should allow the dieter to get to their target weight more gradually. The third phase, the consolidation phase, is developed particularly to prevent sudden weight gain. Foods like fruits, bread, and starchy foods are now being integrated back into the diet and up to 2 celebratory meals are now allowed per week. And the last phase, the stabilization phase, is similar to a normal diet, but the only difference is having at least one protein diet day a week and having a steady diet of oat bran into the diet.

The Dukan Diet is one of the more critically acclaimed diets in the world today, as evidenced by its gargantuan sales. Also, it is a relatively effective and simple method compared to other diets that are mostly intrusive. And thousands of people have attested to its effectiveness, most famously Kate Middleton, who employed this diet to lose 2 dress sizes worth of weight.

Get access to your FREE video series on how to diet properly and thus lose weight the healthy way by visiting [].

Alternatively check out my blog on how to diet healthily at []

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Saturday, 25 July 2020

A Vegan Diet To Lose Weight

A healthy vegan diet should provide your body with every nutrient it needs. If you're following a vegan diet to lose weight, you should know that it is more than simply not eating red meat. Vegans need to ensure that they are getting the essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that their body needs.

A healthy vegan diet should contain certain foods in order for you remain in good health. A balanced diet will consist mainly of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. The vegan diet is made up of less protein and fat than a traditional diet. Vegans do not eat any food that comes from animals, including cheese, eggs, and dairy products.

Someone who is new to the vegan diet may find it helpful to make use of the vegetarian food pyramid. This will give you great guidance on what types of foods can be eaten and which foods should be eaten most often.

Today there is more variety for those on the vegan diet. You may have given up hamburgers and hot dogs, but now you can eat soy-burgers and tofu-dogs! Many stores cater to a healthier lifestyle, making it easier for vegetarians to find their essential foods. When in doubt, do your research before shopping.

When following a vegan diet, you need to make sure you are getting plenty of protein, Vitamin B12, and zinc in your diet. Substitute soy milk for milk, and tofu and flaxseed for protein. Strict vegetarians may have to become very creative when cooking healthy meals that include the necessary nutrients.

Those following a vegan diet to lose weight can find many websites that cater to the vegetarian. You can find great recipes and tips for cooking in the healthiest way possible, while spicing up bland dishes. As long as you take care to eat wisely, the vegan diet can be one of the healthiest diets available.

Ali Carsen is an author and owner of the Confidently Sexy Newsletter. Sign up today at [] and claim your free weight loss report.

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Thursday, 23 July 2020

Intermittent Fasting For Women

For women who are interested in weight loss, intermittent fasting may seem like a great choice, but many people want to know, should women fast? Is intermittent fasting effective for women? There have been a few key studies about intermittent fasting which can help to shed some light on this interesting new dietary trend.

Intermittent fasting is also known as alternate-day fasting, although there are certainly some variations on this diet. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition performed a study recently that enrolled 16 obese men and women on a 10-week program. On the fasting days, participants consumed food to 25% of their estimated energy needs. The rest of the time, they received dietary counseling, but were not given a specific guideline to follow during this time.

As expected, the participants lost weight due to this study, but what researchers really found interesting were some specific changes. The subjects were all still obese after just 10 weeks, but they had shown improvement in cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and systolic blood pressure. What made this an interesting find was that most people have to lose more weight than these study participants before seeing the same changes. It was a fascinating find which has spurred a great number of people to try fasting.

Intermittent fasting for women has some beneficial effects. What makes it especially important for women who are trying to lose weight is that women have a much higher fat proportion in their bodies. When trying to lose weight, the body primarily burns through carbohydrate stores with the first 6 hours and then starts to burn fat. Women who are following a healthy diet and exercise plan may be struggling with stubborn fat, but fasting is a realistic solution to this.

Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 50

Obviously our bodies and our metabolism changes when we hit menopause. One of the biggest changes that women over 50 experience is that they have a slower metabolism and they start to put on weight. Fasting may be a good way to reverse and prevent this weight gain though. Studies have shown that this fasting pattern helps to regulate appetite and people who follow it regularly do not experience the same cravings that others do. If you're over 50 and trying to adjust to your slower metabolism, intermittent fasting can help you to avoid eating too much on a daily basis.

When you reach 50, your body also starts to develop some chronic diseases like high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Intermittent fasting has been shown to decrease both cholesterol and blood pressure, even without a great deal of weight loss. If you've started to notice your numbers rising at the doctor's office each year, you may be able to bring them back down with fasting, even without losing much weight.

Intermittent fasting may not be a great idea for every woman. Anyone with a specific health condition or who tends to be hypoglycemic should consult with a doctor. However, this new dietary trend has specific benefits for women who naturally store more fat in their bodies and may have trouble getting rid of these fat stores.

Hello, Debbie here I want you to read these articles and hopefully you will stop all those diets and learn how to burn fat and get healthy.

Turn your body into a fat burning machine.

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Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Atkins Diet Plan: What You Need to Know

Atkins Diet plan is like most other diet plans, in that staying on any diet is really frustrating; this is because it means adopting something that you are not normally used to. There are different kinds of diets out there, each offering a specific thing. One thing that stands out in all these diets is that you are supposed to watch the amount of calories that you take. In addition to that, these diets require one to eat food lower in fat content. However, there is one diet that is different from the rest; it permits one to eat cheese, red meat, eggs, bacon and even large amounts of butter. Because of these features, this diet has caused controversy among many people. This is the Atkins Diet plan.

The Atkins Diet plan also referred to as 'Atkins Nutritional Approach,' which is a diet that has caused quite a stir in the media. While many people who are on this diet are thrilled because of its unconventional ways, the doctors are a bit divided on how this diet can affect somebody in the long run. Many people wonder how exactly, the Atkins Diet plan helps one lose weight. According to the inventor, the late Dr. Atkins argued that losing weight is dependent on the amount of carbohydrates that you take. He further argued that if you limit the amount of carbohydrate that you take, you will lose weight.

Carbohydrates are foods that contain refined sugar and wheat flour; they are mostly packaged foods such as bread, pasta, cereal and rice. According to the late Dr. Atkins, reducing carbohydrate in your body forces the body to burn the fats rather than the carbohydrates.

The Four Phases of Atkins Diet Plan

The plan includes a four-phase eating plan. The foods that you eat depend on your metabolism and the phase that you are in:

The first phase is the induction phase which is the restrictive of all phases. This means that in phase one you are not allowed to eat carbohydrates at all. Depending on your body, you can eat 20 grams or vegetables. The second phase is the ongoing weight loss, which allows you to eat carbohydrates. In this phase, you are allowed to increase the carbs by 5 grams. With each week, you are supposed to increase your carbohydrate intake by five grams. You are supposed to do so, until you stop losing weight. When you reach that point, the plan requires you to subtract five grams, as this is to ensure that you maintain your weight.

Pre-maintenance is the third phase of the diet, and is where you transit from losing weight to maintaining it. You are allowed to increase your carb intake by 10 grams every week provided that you do not gain any weight. The final phase is the lifetime maintenance which allows you to choose any food that you want, provided you limit your carbohydrate intake. This phase allows you to keep your weight down while eating any kind of food that you want.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Atkins Diet Plan

The Atkins Diet is said to help lose weight. Many dieters of this plan testify to the fact that when you limit carbohydrate intake, your body now uses carbohydrates to burn fat, resulting in weight loss. In addition to that, with the Atkins Diet plan, you can maintain your weight. It reaches a point where you cannot lose or gain weight, the plan now allows you to maintain what you have. Good health is also an extra with the Atkins Diet, when you take in small amounts of carbs; you reduce the chances of being diabetic. Lastly, the disadvantage with this kind of plan is that you tend to have bad breath because of constipation and excess production of ketone.

Committing to the Atkins Diet Plan

As was mentioned initially, sticking to any healthy diet [] plan can be frustrating, including the Atkins Diet plan. You need someone in your corner to guide you and make success a reality. The Atkins Diet plan through eDiets is exactly what you need. Get freshly prepared meals to your door that follow the Atkins Diet plan as prescribed, without counting calories or any of the worrying. Click the links to learn more about the Atkins Diet plan through eDiets, and learn more about specialized proven diets including a life-changing gout diet [].

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Sunday, 19 July 2020

Core Workout For Beginners

This article is about a core workout for beginners. If you have never worked out or it has been awhile and you find yourself losing the battle of the bulge this is the workout for you.

Having a strong core can not only help prevent having back problems, but it also goes a long way in getting and keeping lean sexy abs. This workout is not the usual ab workout routine. This workout focuses on spinal stabilization and not so much on spinal flexion.

This workout will not only make you a strong and stable core, but it will also give you ripped abs. I know most people believe that crunch's are the best way to get a flat stomach and ripped abs.

Although sit ups do help they are not the end all, be all like some might think. If the crunch is not done correctly, it can cause back problems. Your mid-section muscle are the reason your torso stays upright, a good ab and core routine are intertwined.

With this workout routine you will not find yourself on the floor doing sit ups, or in a bulky ab machine at the gym. The routine I am about to share with you is an inexpensive way to get in shape in the comfort of your own home.

This core workout program is for beginners, so it does not matter where you are as far as your physical ability goes. Anyone who wants a strong core and at the same time wants to take a few inches off the waistband this is the program for you.

Here is the routine -

1) Plank on elbow - Get down into the push up position and lift yourself up on your elbow. Let your weight rest on your elbows, hold abs for 30 seconds then rest for 30 seconds they repeat.

2) Mountain climbers - Place hands on stationary bench, you should be on an incline push up position. Hold in abs and slowly lift your left knee to your chest pause for a few seconds, and then raise the right knee. Alternate knees for 30 seconds, and then rest for 30 seconds.

3) Side plank - Lay on your side and proper your body up on your left forearm. Raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from ankles to shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds switch sides and hold it for 30 seconds rest for 30 seconds.

To enhance your workout and for quick results add Big time muscle supplements to your workout routine. Get a free MP3 player just for trying. For lean sexy muscles, try Big Muscle Supplements.

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Friday, 17 July 2020

All About Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting (IF) refers to dietary eating patterns that involve not eating or severely restricting calories for a prolonged period of time. There are many different subgroups of intermittent fasting each with individual variation in the duration of the fast; some for hours, others for day(s). This has become an extremely popular topic in the science community due to all of the potential benefits on fitness and health that are being discovered.


Fasting, or periods of voluntary abstinence from food has been practiced throughout the world for ages. Intermittent fasting with the goal of improving health relatively new. Intermittent fasting involves restricting intake of food for a set period of time and does not include any changes to the actual foods you are eating. Currently, the most common IF protocols are a daily 16 hour fast and fasting for a whole day, one or two days per week. Intermittent fasting could be considered a natural eating pattern that humans are built to implement and it traces all the way back to our paleolithic hunter-gatherer ancestors. The current model of a planned program of intermittent fasting could potentially help improve many aspects of health from body composition to longevity and aging. Although IF goes against the norms of our culture and common daily routine, the science may be pointing to less meal frequency and more time fasting as the optimal alternative to the normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner model. Here are two common myths that pertain to intermittent fasting.

Myth 1 - You Must Eat 3 Meals Per Day: This "rule" that is common in Western society was not developed based on evidence for improved health, but was adopted as the common pattern for settlers and eventually became the norm. Not only is there a lack of scientific rationale in the 3 meal-a-day model, recent studies may be showing less meals and more fasting to be optimal for human health. One study showed that one meal a day with the same amount of daily calories is better for weight loss and body composition than 3 meals per day. This finding is a basic concept that is extrapolated into intermittent fasting and those choosing to do IF may find it best to only eat 1-2 meals per day.

Myth 2 - You Need Breakfast, It's The Most Important Meal of The Day: Many false claims about the absolute need for a daily breakfast have been made. The most common claims being "breakfast increases your metabolism" and "breakfast decreases food intake later in the day". These claims have been refuted and studied over a 16 week period with results showing that skipping breakfast did not decrease metabolism and it did not increase food intake at lunch and dinner. It is still possible to do intermittent fasting protocols while still eating breakfast, but some people find it easier to eat a late breakfast or skip it altogether and this common myth should not get in the way.


Intermittent fasting comes in various forms and each may have a specific set of unique benefits. Each form of intermittent fasting has variations in the fasting-to-eating ratio. The benefits and effectiveness of these different protocols may differ on an individual basis and it is important to determine which one is best for you. Factors that may influence which one to choose include health goals, daily schedule/routine, and current health status. The most common types of IF are alternate day fasting, time-restricted feeding, and modified fasting.


This approach involves alternating days of absolutely no calories (from food or beverage) with days of free feeding and eating whatever you want.

This plan has been shown to help with weight loss, improve blood cholesterol and triglyceride (fat) levels, and improve markers for inflammation in the blood.

The main downfall with this form of intermittent fasting is that it is the most difficult to stick with because of the reported hunger during fasting days.


Modified fasting is a protocol with programmed fasting days, but the fasting days do allow for some food intake. Generally 20-25% of normal calories are allowed to be consumed on fasting days; so if you normally consume 2000 calories on regular eating days, you would be allowed 400-500 calories on fasting days. The 5:2 part of this diet refers to the ratio of non-fasting to fasting days. So on this regimen you would eat normally for 5 consecutive days, then fast or restrict calories to 20-25% for 2 consecutive days.

This protocol is great for weight loss, body composition, and may also benefit the regulation of blood sugar, lipids, and inflammation. Studies have shown the 5:2 protocol to be effective for weight loss, improve/lower inflammation markers in the blood (3), and show signs trending improvements in insulin resistance. In animal studies, this modified fasting 5:2 diet resulted in decreased fat, decreased hunger hormones (leptin), and increased levels of a protein responsible for improvements in fat burning and blood sugar regulation (adiponectin).

The modified 5:2 fasting protocol is easy to follow and has a small number of negative side effects which included hunger, low energy, and some irritability when beginning the program. Contrary to this however, studies have also noted improvements such as reduced tension, less anger, less fatigue, improvements in self confidence, and a more positive mood.


If you know anyone that has said they are doing intermittent fasting, odds are it is in the form of time-restricted feeding. This is a type of intermittent fasting that is used daily and it involves only consuming calories during a small portion of the day and fasting for the remainder. Daily fasting intervals in time-restricted feeding may range from 12-20 hours, with the most common method being 16/8 (fasting for 16 hours, consuming calories for 8). For this protocol the time of day is not important as long as you are fasting for a consecutive period of time and only eating in your allowed time period. For example, on a 16/8 time-restricted feeding program one person may eat their first meal at 7AM and last meal at 3PM (fast from 3PM-7AM), while another person may eat their first meal at 1PM and last meal at 9PM (fast from 9PM-1PM). This protocol is meant to be performed every day over long periods of time and is very flexible as long as you are staying within the fasting/eating window(s).

Time-Restricted feeding is one of the most easy to follow methods of intermittent fasting. Using this along with your daily work and sleep schedule may help achieve optimal metabolic function. Time-restricted feeding is a great program to follow for weight loss and body composition improvements as well as some other overall health benefits. The few human trials that were conducted noted significant reductions in weight, reductions in fasting blood glucose, and improvements in cholesterol with no changes in perceived tension, depression, anger, fatigue, or confusion. Some other preliminary results from animal studies showed time restricted feeding to protect against obesity, high insulin levels, fatty liver disease, and inflammation.

The easy application and promising results of time-restricted feeding could possibly make it an excellent option for weight loss and chronic disease prevention/management. When implementing this protocol it may be good to begin with a lower fasting-to-eating ratio like 12/12 hours and eventually work your way up to 16/8 hours.


Is there any food or beverage I am allowed to consume while intermittent fasting? Unless you are doing the modified fasting 5:2 diet (mentioned above), you should not be eating or drinking anything that contains calories. Water, black coffee, and any foods/beverages that do not contain calories are OK to consume during a fasting period. In fact, adequate water intake is essential during IF and some say that drinking black coffee while fasting helps decrease hunger.


Research on intermittent fasting is in it's infancy but it still has huge potential for weight loss and the treatment of some chronic disease.

To recap, here are the possible benefits of intermittent fasting:

Shown in Human Studies:

1. Weight loss

2. Improve blood lipid markers like cholesterol

3. Reduce inflammation

4. Reduced stress and improved self confidence

5. Improved mood

Shown in Animal Studies:

1. Decreased Body Fat

2. Decreased levels of the hunger hormone leptin

3. Improve insulin levels

4. Protect against obesity, fatty liver disease, and inflammation

5. Longevity

For more about all things health and wellness visit []

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Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Lose Weight With Pilates

Pilates has become a worldwide phenomenon, growing significantly in the past few decades. The reason is of the many health benefits gained when you do Pilates regularly. Benefits include increased strength, balance, and muscle endurance. But is it a fast way to lose weight?

In order to lose weight you must keep you heart rate raised in the fat burning zone for an extended period of time. Research recommends for 30 minutes, at least 4 days a week. Examples of traditional weight loss exercises include running and cycling. They are moderate intensity exercises sustained for a long period. Pilates is traditionally focused on control and strengthening and works more on slow steady controlled movements rather than fast movements. But this does not mean you won't drop any weight.

To lose weight fast you need to burn off more calories than you eat. When doing Pilates, you are burning energy and will therefore drop weight. It may not be the ideal type of exercise recommended, but you will definitely burn fat and lose weight. You can increase the amount of calories burnt during you Pilates classes by taking less breaks between exercises. Try to flow continuously from one exercise to the next. This will help keep you heart rate up and at a steady level which is ideal for fat burning.

Another way you can burn more fat with Pilates is by using a rebounder. A rebounder is a small trampoline that can be attached to the bottom of the reformer Pilates machines. By using a rebounder you can do more high intensity exercises such as jumping and hopping which will quickly raise your heart rate to the fast burning zone.

Diet must be mentioned when talking about weight loss. No matter how many classes you take you will not lose weight if your diet is not right. Diets can easily be found by a quick search online. Basically decrease calorie consumption as much as possible, cut out fast foods, and increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat and you will well on your way to a healthy diet plan.

In summary Pilates can definitely be used as a form of exercise for weight loss. Try to change your routine so you do no stop between exercises, keep up your heart rate at a high level for the whole class. Running or jogging may give you more weight loss, but won't give you the added toning and strengthening that Pilates will.

To learn more fast ways to lose weight [] and tips on the best cardio for weight loss [] please visit my blog at

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Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Effects of Nutrition on Mental Health

It has been an enduring belief that nutrition plays a significant role in the state of mental health of an individual. But is this true or not?

Recent as well as previous researches have proven that nutrition (or the lack of it) does have effects on how a person's brain functions, his moods and his behaviours.

Say for example, a person who has skipped a meal is observably weak, out of focus and irritable. This case worsens when extended to a certain period of time when the person becomes severely moody and indifferent to the demands of his environment thus showing decreased speed in reaction time.

These behaviours occur due to the lack of nutrition supply to the brain. The brain requires high energy and nutrient supply. It comprises, in fact, 20% to 30% of all the energy consumption of the body during rest periods. Thus, any change in diet or nutrition level of the body directly reflects in the mental functioning.

Chronic energy deprivation, such as the case of malnourished people, results to the eventual shutting down of the body by decreasing its activities and redirecting all its energy sources towards the systems that require higher energy supply. This results to altered levels of activities, changes in hormonal levels, lessened immune system efficiency and transport of nutrients and oxygen to certain body parts, all of which could directly or indirectly influence mental health. People with extremely low nutrition are more likely to become sad, depressed and emotional as compared with those who have adequate nutrition.

Newborn babies and fetuses are also susceptible to brain damage if they are subjected to lack of necessary nutrition. The type and degree of damage is dependent on the severity of malnutrition. Also, malnutrition among babies has proven to produce low level of intelligence, cognitive defects as well as functional abnormalities.

Protein, carbohydrates, lipids and vitamins all have individual effects on the brain. Lack of supply of these necessary nutrients result to alterations in the activities of the neurotransmitters, a chemical component in the brain that transmit one nerve impulse from one nerve cell to another. Malfunctioning of the transmitters could influence a person's mood, thinking and even sleep patterns. Additionally, deficient levels of nutrition may result to nerve cell damage that could disrupt cognitive and mental functions.

Neurotransmitters are partly made of amino acids, the building block of protein. Trytophan for example, makes up the neurotransmitter serotonin. If the required amino acid is lacking, the functions of the neurotransmitter could not be executed affecting the normal functioning of the brain. In case of deficient protein consumption and failure to supply the necessary amino acid to make serotonin, the body would experience low mood and perhaps, aggression. On the other hand, diseases that could cause the build up of certain amino acids could lead to brain damage thus affecting the mental health of an individual.

Mood regulation could also be associated with the sufficient intake of dietary fats. Some studies have yielded inconclusive results on the correlation between serotonin level and intake of omega-3 fatty acids, a certain type of fat found only in white fish to stress and symptoms of bipolar disorder (a mood disorder having the representations of both mania and depression).

Directly or indirectly, nutrition has an effect on mental health. Changes in the nutritional intake of a person could lead to alterations in the mental health and vice versa.

If you would like to read more articles about mental health, visit []

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Drink Water to Lose Weight

Anybody in their right mind knows it's a good idea to drink water. But did you know that you can drink water to lose weight? It's true my friends.

As a matter of fact water is the most important consideration when it comes to losing weight. Why? Because water actually increases the body's ability to metabolize fat. How?

Well, as you may or may not know, the liver is the organ that deals with metabolizing fat while your kidneys look after getting rid of the toxins from the water you drink. Now the kidneys will not be able to carry out their job if you don't have enough water in your system. When this happens your body starts shifting some of the kidneys work over to the liver.

And we all know what happens when you're pushed too thin. Productivity goes down. So the liver ends up not being able to metabolize fat as quickly or efficiently. And when this happens, your body starts storing those little fat droplets and you gain weight.

Some folks believe that when they drink water to lose weight, they will bloat. Total myth. Dehydration actually makes your body bloat. When it thinks you aren't giving it enough water, it believes it's entering a state of drought and starts to save what water it has. By drinking more water, your body gets the message that the drought has ended and it stops holding excess water in reserve.

Drinking more water each day to lose weight will be a challenge at first. You'll need more bathroom breaks but that's a good thing because you'll start flushing toxins from your system. Now that your body knows you'll be sending it more water, it stops its panic mode and no longer feels the need to store it and after a week or so, your bathroom trips will slow down and your body will get into a healthy rhythm.

Did you know that often times when you feel hungry, you are actually thirsty? Drink a glass of water and wait ten minutes. If you still feel hungry then have a healthy snack. But if your hunger pangs have disappeared, you're just saved precious calories by taking care of your thirst.

Now that we acknowledge the fact that water is good for us and actually helps us lose weight, the next question is how much of this magic potion do we need to consume in a day.

First of all water consumption needs to be spread out over the course of the day. The old standard is 8 - 8 oz glasses. But if you're a mere 150 pounds and have a desk job, you'll need less water than the 275 pound guy who's doing physical labour in the hot sun.

So a good rule of thumb is don't let yourself get thirsty because if you're thirsty, you're already becoming dehydrated. Start out by drinking a full glass of water with each meal. This way, you'll get at least three glasses a day which will become a habit. Sip in between these times and make sure you drink when you're not thirsty.

You can also get water from the foods you eat. Watermelon is a good example as well as chicken soup with clear broth.

One final bit of advice: stop drinking water about three hours before bedtime. Do I need to elaborate?

Discover how to lose weight sensibly over at my blog where I have [] and related dieting information. Visit [] to get started with a healthier lifestyle today.

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POP Pilates for Beginners - Total Body Workout

Healthy Eating - Meal Prep Ideas

If you are like many people, you groan at the thought of doing meal prep. While you know it is something you need to do, it does not mean you like it! Meal prep takes time, but if you look at preparing say your vegetables just once for the whole week, then you will find it easier to eat healthy home-cooked meals each evening. Some foods, some vegetables are easy to prepare ahead of time and save well. There are steps you can take with your meal planning to make the task easier and then you will find you spend less time doing the meal prep and more time enjoying your food!

Let us look at a few meal-prep ideas...

1. One Recipe, Many Variations. Perhaps the most significant time-consuming task with meal prep is trying to figure out what to cook in the first place. You have to hunt down recipes, figure out what will work with your weight loss diet and then purchase all the groceries required. Time-consuming stuff!

Instead, look at finding one recipe offering several variations. For instance, you might make a vegetable stir-fry. You can just alter the vegetables you put in the stir-fry, swap out the chicken for beef as desired, and even change the sauce a little. It is the same meal overall, but with small changes that should be enough to keep you interested in continuing to carry on with your weight loss diet plan.

The more you become accustomed to preparing the same type of meals over and over, the easier it will be to plan your meal prep out for the week.

2. Two Words: Slow Cooker. Slow cooking is super easy, and a method of cooking everyone should get into doing from time to time. Just put all the ingredients in the slow cooker in the morning, turn it on, and by the time you arrive home from work, the food will be ready to serve. Plus, you can make a significantly sized batch, which means you will be eating healthy meals several times during your week.

3. Buy Pre-Chopped Vegetables. The last idea to consider is buying pre-chopped vegetables. Cutting up vegetables is often one job people dislike doing the most, so make it easier for yourself. Buy them ready to go, so there is little to no prep work involved.

While you will pay a little more for pre-chopped vegetables, it is money well spent.

There you have a few ideas to think about using to help make meal prep easier. If you follow these tips, sticking to your weight loss diet will be easier than ever.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Monday, 13 July 2020

4-Minute Fat Burning Workout | Tabata for Beginners

Yoga Tips to Lose Weight Fast - How to Burn Fat Effectively Through Yoga

Some of the benefits of performing yoga are said to be delayed ageing, more energy, and an improved quality of life. By detoxification the body, yoga exercises will stretch your muscles and massage different organs.

Yoga is also a good exercise activity to lose weight. Yoga helps you burn fat by raising your heart rate, which will then cause an increase in your metabolism. Anyone interested in losing weight should know that a high metabolism plays a big role in weight loss.

Research has shown that people who lose at least 11% of their body weight will reduce their chances of a heart attack, high cholesterol, and of course make them look more attractive. These benefits should have you motivated to lose weight, and learning how to utilize yoga will help. Take a look at some yoga tips to lose weight in a very effective manner.

Probably the most important tip is to learn how to properly perform breathing exercises and body postures. Yoga involves a certain discipline in breathing which is required to work the inner and outer muscles and organs in the body.

Another tip for using yoga to burn fat is to include at least 10 yoga sessions into your monthly workout routine. Yoga gurus state that at least 10 yoga sessions a month will allow you to drop some serious pounds quickly.

One of the most beneficial yoga tips to lose weight is to perform power yoga exercise. When you practice power yoga you will increase the intensity of yoga.

Power yoga requires you to perform a variety of difficult poses at a fast pace, which will keep your heart rate in a fat burning mode. If practised correctly, power yoga will burn roughly 300 calories every hour. However, this type of exercise requires a great deal of flexibility.

Yoga is an ancient exercise regime that anyone can get involved in. Not only does yoga help you lose weight, but it will also help tone your body, improve your flexibility, and get in touch with your spiritual side.

Click Here and learn how you can reduce your waistline and body weight quickly using a powerful fat burning system.

Fast Diets are hard to follow, but this diet makes it easy for anyone to follow a plan that will rapidly burn fat and keep the weight off for long term success.

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Sunday, 12 July 2020

Yoga For Weight Loss | Fat Burning Workout | Yoga With Adriene

Beginner Exercises Tips

Just starting out working out? Your final decision is one that will bring you face to face with enhanced health, looks, energy, and much more. While there is a great temptation to swallow the entire fitness center entire in one bite, it is better to get stock and are available up with goals that suit your needs? Ready to generate some beginner exercises objectives that will help you achieve your destination of a far better, more healthy daily life? Get started doing the goals below.

The very first thing you have to do before you decide to work out is determine when you're likely to head to the health club. Certain, have a trip to a health club on impulse on occasion, but you cannot rely on these spontaneous trips that will help you meet your other fitness goals. Fairly, you are going to need to think of a typical time to get to the gym. Be it at four a.m., on your lunch hour, or following function, having a predetermined time to physical exercise can help you with the next objective.

Once you have determined when you can exercise, it's up to you to make sure you follow through. If you may think the advantages of working out are enough to maintain you heading powerful, you might be wrong. To make it just a little easier to stick with your program, give yourself an objective of sticking with your program 3 days per week for 3 months. Once you've been in internet marketing for your long, it ought to be cemented into your schedule, making it easier to stick with physical exercise for the long term. Should you constantly require an additional objective, reset your clock for another 3 months a week or two just before completing the initial 3 months.

Toning up and dropping down in many cases are the main reasons for exercising. If they are causes of your brand-new interest in physical exercise, use them to your benefit. Every single day you're employed out, jot down your weight, the most crucial measurements to you, and the workouts you carry out. Over time, you can see enhancements in all three regions. And when you are having trouble in a single (it can be difficult to carry on slimming down following a specific level), you may be encouraged by other statistics, for example your lowered blood pressure level or just how much longer you can stay on the treadmill now than when you initially began.

When you are initial engaging in your beginner exercises program it's not hard to be forthcoming about your workout routine. After all, you are in a fitness center 3 times a day, lifting far more weights per day than you have previously 4 years, and running 6 miles during lunch. But it becomes more difficult to be truthful when you have been in internet marketing some time. To maintain your self honest, get an exercise partner to keep you accountable. The easiest way with this to work is to work out with this person every time you go to a fitness center. By doing this, your partner understands when you have worked out and may assist you to work out in the intensity necessary for you to definitely meet your other workout goals.

It isn't uncommon for people to feel they deserve rewards for every a valuable thing they do. If you are one of these simple folks, you might seek a reward for the exercising prowess. But it is important to see the way you are feeling and appear as your reward. Certain, there is nothing incorrect with lacking a day at the gym or licking an ice cream now and then. Even so, if you're not careful, your reward system can find yourself making it impossible for you to meet your beginner exercise goals.

For additional info on beginner exercises program make sure to check out the authors Napa boot camp []. His Napa boot camp specializes in rapid fat loss and dropping belly fat quick.

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Saturday, 11 July 2020

Zumba Dance Workout for weight loss

Walking To Lose Weight - Find Out How To Burn Fat By Walking Just A Few Minutes A Day!

Walking is a natural movement of our body and it does not require special coordination abilities. It is the ideal exercise to lose excess pounds and it will effectively help you reach your weight loss goal faster if you know how to do it properly. It is an enjoyable and safe form of exercise, and a lot of people find it easier to stick to a walking for weight loss program long term - and this is very important for healthy weight maintenance.

Walking to lose weight helps in the maintenance and development of muscles while burning calories. And since muscle has a higher metabolic rate compared to fat, it follows that the less fat and more muscles you have, the higher the amount of calories burned even while resting.

Setting realistic goals and understanding the basics of weight loss is really the key to losing weight. People who are considerably obese or overweight can also walk to lose weight because these people exert more effort and energy to walk than those individuals of much lower weight. Even if your goal is not to lose weight, walking provides healthful benefits to the body by improving the lungs and heart.

For those who are just beginning to lose weight by walking, they can start by walking for at least 15 to 20 minutes 3 times a week and slowly adding the duration and frequency until they are walking from 30 to 60 minutes each day. They can alternate walking indoors with walking outdoors to add variety and make it more enjoyable, or by watching TV while walking on a treadmill, or listening to music.

Adding resistance training to your walking routine, such as walking with ankle or arm weights, can help you stay toned and at the same time lose weight. You can also try lifting weights, pilates or strength band to keep your muscles toned. Walking builds and tones leg muscles, hips, and buttocks. Walking also improves the endurance and strength of these muscles, allowing you to accomplish more without getting tired easily. Keep in mind though that stretching your muscles before and after walking is important to prevent injury and improve the body's flexibility.

Walking also builds aerobic ability and strengthens another muscle: your heart. This form of exercise depends on the help of the cardiovascular system to supply the oxygen to the muscles. Brisk walking improves your heart, lungs, and skeletal muscles. The more the heart is used, the more it improves its condition. With an increased aerobic capability, more oxygen is supplied to the body allowing you to endure longer exercises strengthens your muscles. Walking at least 30 minutes three times a week is required for aerobic conditioning to be effective. Achieving a successful aerobic conditioning provides long term health benefits and cutting your risk of heart attack, stroke, colon cancer, breast cancer, and diabetes.

The following are some guidelines to walking for weight loss, including important steps that you should take to lose weight safely, effectively, and steadily:

  • Keep a record of what you eat and drink to be conscious of what, how much, and the frequency of your eating and drinking throughout the day and keeping a track of them.

  • Measure the distance you have walked. This allows you to make comparisons of different routes to take and which one will help you increase the distance gradually. Yu can use a pedometer to make it easier for you to know the speed and distance of your walks.

  • Keep a log that records your progress as you add more to the distance and speed of walking. The usual items you can put in your log book are: Date, Time, Distance, Speed (distance divided by time in minutes multiplied by 60), Amount of calories burned, and Weight.

  • Set a realistic goal to be able to keep motivated in achieving your desired results.

  • Let your family and friends know that you are walking to lose weight and share with them your goal, progress, and achievements. Having their support is another way to get the motivation to keep going until you reach your weight loss goal.

So how do you when is the best time to start walking for weight loss? This is a common question to a lot of individuals and the most popular answer is that walking should be done in the morning to be effective. There are many different suggestions and opinions, but the bottom line is that the best time to start is when you are ready and you know that it is right for you. Check out the list below to help you get more effective results on your walking exercise especially if you are just a beginner:

  • Shop for a good quality walking shoes that will support your feet, knees, hips and spine. Walking shoes can provide you the needed support and offers flexibility than other types of shoes. Investing in a good quality walking shoes will make sure that you are comfortable and free from pain or blisters or both. For this reason, you will be able to walk easier and allow you to increase the duration of your walks. Make sure to buy shoes with a proper fit and allow sufficient room for the toes to wiggle. And always wear athletic socks for added protection.

  • Try walking down a driveway or path walk for 10 minutes when you begin walking. Increase the duration of your walk gradually by 5 minutes as soon as you know you can do it. The amount of time you give for walking and the frequency of your walking really depends on you.

  • Stand up straight by keeping your hips aligned with the upper body. Bending at your hips and hunching over will develop a bad posture. Good posture helps to make breathing easy and doesn't put stress on the neck, shoulders, and back. It is recommended to look straight ahead of you than looking at your feet or the ground.

  • Your arms should be relaxed when you walk. However, if you do swing your arms, keep your elbows at 90° at your sides and countering it with your legs, meaning if you move your right leg, you then have to move your left arm. Swing your arms naturally back and forth to add intensity to your walking.

  • If you are just starting out, avoid using hand weights for walking for these are reserved to more experienced walkers. These weights can increase your heart rate and develop muscles, but for the beginners, they might cause injury and pain to the wrists and arms. Concentrate on walking faster or longer instead during the first stages of your walking rather than on putting additional weight load to your body.

  • Buying a pedometer is essential for keeping track of your speed and progress while walking.

  • If you are ready, try walking briskly or a little faster than you normally do at the beginning of your walking routine. This helps lessen the stress on your joints especially if you are overweight. Speeding up to an established pace can help in raising the metabolism and burning fat.

  • Increase your walking time gradually until you can do 30 to 60 minutes each day.

  • Always have a backup plan like walking around the mall just in case the weather gets bad and prevent you from doing your usual walking routine.

It doesn't matter if you just want to walk towards the end of the street or plan a 30-minute walk, these tips can be handy so you can do it right. They are very simple and easy to follow for an effective walking to lose weight routine.


Losing weight requires burning more calories than you eat each day. In walking for weight loss, the amount of calories burned will be determined by the distance that you walk and your weight. To get the most effective results your walking routine must start from moderate and gradually increasing it to a more intense level. The more vigorous the exercise and the longer you do it, the more calories burned which results in weight loss. But overdoing your walking exercise will cause injury, pain, and soreness so you need to put a balance in your routine. If you are just beginning, it is advisable to start with light intensity walks and then slowly going to moderate to intense over time.

After you have successfully lost weight, sticking to an exercise is even more necessary to keep the weight from coming back. Individuals who managed to keep the weight off long term are the ones who still do regular exercises. Consulting your doctor before trying any weight loss exercise regimen is still highly recommended especially if you have other health issues.

Walking to lose weight can be challenging, but it doesn't mean that you have to starve yourself or give up everything you enjoy. It's simply a matter of finding balance. Let us help you find that balance Today by visiting us at >>>

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