Friday, 28 August 2020

3 Types of Vegan Diets to Lose Weight

One of the things that is said to reap quite really effective results is the vegetarian weight loss diet. You may wonder if having fruits and vegetables without any meat or any source of protein like milk and eggs is actually a healthy way of eating, right? Well, going on a vegetarian weight loss diet is, in fact, actually healthy. But don't worry because although you may generalize vegetarian diets as "vegan diets", there are actually kinds of vegetarian diets that you will learn about in a while.

The Types of Vegetarian Diets
• The Lacto-ovo Vegetarian Diet
Individuals who are lacto-ovo vegetarians omit only red meat, fish, and poultry from their diets. So dairy products like milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt are still part of their diet; eggs are also an addition to their plant-based diet.
• The Lacto-vegetarian Diet
Individuals who are lacto-vegetarians have a plant-based diet while omitting all meats, fish, and poultry. They do drink milk and take in dairy products too. But they don't eat eggs as part of their diet.
• The Vegan Diet
Individuals who go on a purely vegan diet is what you expect when people say "vegetarian". They eat only plant-based foods. No meat, not any single food products from animals, which includes milk, cheese, eggs, butter, yogurt, and the like.

Which One to Choose?
Basically, it all depends on you. Just know the basics that vegetarians do not include meat, chicken, and fish in their diets. It is mostly consisted of vegetables, fruits, nuts, sees, whole grains, and legumes. So it is up to you as to what are the foods that you can live on. Okay, if you are thinking of switching lifestyles - thinking of really becoming a vegetarian, that is a lifestyle change. But if you are thinking of only using a vegetarian weight loss diet to lose weight, then it is most likely temporary -- although you might end up sticking with it when you see how good it makes you feel and look.

Truth be told, going into a vegetarian weight loss diet, or simply trying to be a vegetarian can be quite difficult after a lifetime of eating meat and the likes. So you can start slowly. Start with the lacto-ovo diet, and then if you're up for cutting out some stuff, go for the lacto-vegetarian diet. And you can take it from there if you would like to proceed to the purely vegan diet. Just remember, taking baby steps can ensure a slowly but surely process on the success of your diet.

For more exciting and proven fat burning tips go to EasyDietPlanSolution [].

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Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Lose Weight Easy and Fast - Using Stress-Relieving Techniques

To Lose weight easy and fast with the everyday stress and strain of life can be hard. The daily grind can make us all susceptible to treating ourselves by snacking at the end of a long hard day. I was the worst, a quick sneak peak in the fridge before and after dinner.

If I was having a stressful day I would need to have a few little treats during the day to keep my morale up.

I found that I could be losing tummy fat and body weight by using some stress relieving techniques. I had set myself a weight loss management program and these techniques really helped aid my progress. They can also help you along your way to lose weight easy and fast.

I found that not just concentrating on weight loss but my overall well-being and health I was more successful at achieving the goals I set myself.

Put simply when we are under stress and pressure our body produces a hormone that boosts our energy levels by producing glucose. The body converts excess glucose into fat and likes to store this around our tummy. These factors all combine to make it hard losing tummy fat.

1. Take A Little Me Time: During your day allow yourself a little time for yourself. Five to ten minutes every few hours. Whether you are at home or work, a quick short walk around the block or even some simple stretches just to relax and loosen some muscle groups.

2. Meditation to lose weight easy and fast: This is easier to fit into a day then you may think. I worked in a busy office during the day and with a few little skills you can block away the noise and really find some relaxation. Grab a few minutes to relieve your stresses and tensions. I downloaded some helpful techniques for this onto my MP3 player

3. Sleep: Everybody is different and we all need different levels of sleep. If you are depriving your body of the level of sleep it requires then you will find days more stressful. You will have low energy and feel lethargic.

This will cause you to seek energy, comfort and escape from stress by snacking.

These little tips helped me in losing weight easy and fast.

Losing weight can be one of the most difficult, yet rewarding things you can do. The tools you need are within reach.

Before you decide to do anything else visit Steve Bass's site where you can get Tips To Help You Lose Weight plus all the latest and easy to understand, in depth information.

You will also get more FREE powerful tips and Help To Lose weight.


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Friday, 14 August 2020

What Makes the Paleo Diet Popular?


What Makes The Paleo Diet Popular?

The Paleo Diet is the most talked about healthy living diet plan in recent times. What is it? How did it become the most Google searched diet plan of 2013? It is amazing to see that there are more than 5000 e-Books about Paleo diet recipes and lifestyle on Amazon.

The world has seen many diet types: there are vegetarians, vegans, lactose free diets, meat free diets. What makes Paleo stand out? The quest is on!

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors lived on food that they hunted, fished, or gathered from their surroundings. They did not plan their meals nor did they eat three or four times a day. They ate what were readily available and within their reach.

Agriculture or cultivating food happened about 10,000 years ago. It is rather a quite recent phenomenon. Hunting for food was the only job our ancestors needed to do. They ate raw, salt less, uncooked food mainly meat, fish, fruits and vegetables from plants. Moreover, no food grains. Mind that cultivation never happened then.

The food habits of our ancestors, the cave dwellers, are what many people worldwide choose to follow now in the form of a new diet fad, 'The Paleo Diet'. A very common saying to outline the diet is 'If it doesn't fly, swim, walk or isn't green, then don't eat it."

Why go Paleo?

The Paleo diet followers have decided to go the Paleolithic way to lead a long and healthier life. It is also known as the Caveman's diet, Hunter-Gatherer diet, Stone Age diet or the Primal Blueprint Diet.

The whole point of going the Paleo way is not to exactly follow our ancestors, and this is what makes it so popular. Modern man has come a long way, and several tweaks have been made to make the diet more adaptable and acceptable.

The advocates of this diet strongly believe that it is modern lifestyle and eating habits that cause obesity, heart diseases diabetes, infertility, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and even depression.

Losing weight is a factor that attracts people to Paleo diets.

Paleo followers eat wholesome, nutrient rich food. They avoid mostly everything to do with packed and processed food, grains, salt, and dairy. The main idea is to eat food that is seasonal and fresh.

Yes! This means that all the toxic food that affects or harms your digestive and immune system are avoided. Therefore, out goes all the processed and carbohydrate rich food, and in go animal proteins and plants. Paleo advocates believe that we can sustain on this, along with few supplements if need arises.

Going Paleo means you are naturally going to avoid foods that trigger allergens. Many people are sensitive to gluten, dairy, soy, corn, refined sugar etc. In a Paleo diet, you steer clear of food containing all these, thereby suppressing your allergens.

The great thing about this diet is it allows you to stop fussing over your calories. You can stop counting your calories. You don't have to take meals four times a day, and have to eat food only when you are hungry. Food is treated simply as a fuel to get going.

Paleo Diet

A good Paleo diet is one that would contain more of:

· proteins

· good fat

· fiber

· micronutrients

· vitamins and minerals

Less of:

· Sodium

· Carbohydrates

There are a number of Must haves and Have not's when it comes to following a Paleo Diet. The Paleo diet fully supports meat, fish and eggs along with plant produce as the source of nutrients. Lean meat is in, and so are skin, bones, liver, and almost all parts of the animal. Vegetarians or Vegans please excuse.

Did I mention salt less? Yes, the diet is sodium free. You will have to go salt free or with minimum salt possible.

The Must Haves include:

· Grass fed or pasture raised meat

· Eggs

· Fish/ sea food

· Fresh fruits and vegetables

· Nuts/seeds

· Oil (olive, flaxseed, avocado, coconut)

· Fermented food like sauerkraut

· Herbal tea like ginger, chamomile, nettle, peppermint can be had in moderation

· Coconut water

You must Avoid:

· Dairy like milk, butter, cheese, yogurt

· Legumes

· Cereal grains

· Rice

· Salt

· Added sugar

· Potatoes

· Processed food and Packaged food

· Vegetable oils like corn, sunflower, Crisco, peanut oil, margarine

· Juices, soda, coffee, tea

· Alcohol

You can have in Moderation:

· Chocolate

· Raw honey

· Dried fruit

· Unrefined sea salt

The diet does not include any beverages other than our plain pure water, as pure drinking water was the only choice our ancestors had. It is better to have wholesome fruits, or maybe you can have freshly squeezed fruit juices minus the added sugar.

You can include anything and everything with coconuts: Coconut water, oil, butter, vinegar, amino, sugar and even nectar.

Paleo Lifestyle

Along with food, you will have to make several lifestyle changes as well.

· Try to get a good amount of exposure to sunlight or if that option is not available take adequate vitamin D.

· You would need to be active, with frequent natural exercises like walking, running, swimming, lifting, picking, carrying, jumping or even crawling.

· Have closer contacts with children and family.

· Live in contact with nature. Engage yourself in activities like gardening or hiking in the woods.

· Care must be taken to keep external stressors at bay. Learn to live simply. Relax your mind and body.

· You need to go to bed when it is dark, and sleep for at least eight hours a day.

To conclude, it has not yet been proved that Paleo works. Of course, there might be several benefits from following this diet, but studies are yet to come up with concrete results. There have been some studies done that came up with positive results, but the sample size were too small to have it accepted.

Critics argue that the Paleo diet is not for everyone. The type of food that has to be consumed is expensive. The labels organic, grass-fed, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, vegetables are all associated with greater cost, and that you will not get all the right nutrients just by following Paleo diet.

Nevertheless, Paleo is just getting more and more popular, and no amount of criticism is pulling it down. Celebrities and chefs around the blog are endorsing it, and the numbers of followers are growing day by day.

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Monday, 10 August 2020

Ten Healthy Eating Tips For Busy Mums Wanting to Lose Baby Weight

Eating healthily and preparing meals can sometimes seem like a chore, especially for busy mums looking to lose baby weight. And being pushed for time and not eating a balance diet can have a major effect on their efforts towards post baby weight loss.

Some mums like to make a list of all the meals they are planning for the next few days and then buy accordingly. This way you are more likely to use up all the shopping you've bought rather than see it go to waste. And, if you know what is planned and have the food in the house, it's less likely you'll lapse into going to the chip shop because you don't know what to make for tea.

Always make sure to have a couple of fall back 10-minute recipes available. If baby has a very unsettled day or you come home exhausted from an outing, you will still be able to eat healthily without too much hassle.

It's also worth keeping a good range of frozen vegetables in your freezer in case you are too tired or pre-occupied to prepare them for meals. (Frozen vegetables retain their nutrients well so they are a much healthier option than tinned vegetables and don't usually have the same added sugar or colourings.)

Top Tips for a Healthy Diet:

1. Use your frying pan as little as possible. Boil, bake or grill your food instead

2. Try and serve at least two types of vegetables with main meals and cut down on meat

3. Don't skip breakfast! That well-worn expression is quite right - it IS the most important meal of the day' and you'll be less likely to snack before lunch

4. Try eating a small salad before your main meal - that way you'll eat less

5. Instead of snacking on tortillas and bread sticks with dip, slice your favourite vegetables into sticks for dipping. Cucumber, carrot and pepper all work well

6. Use skimmed milk for your cereal and tea or coffee and try to reduce the sugar you add to hot drinks - if you get through 10 cups of tea in a day, that's a lot of calories easily saved

7. You won't be drinking alcohol if you are breast-feeding, but once you stop, try to keep your alcohol consumption down. Many alcoholic drinks are very high in calories

8. Stay away from branded soft drinks since most contain a lot of sugar. Look for flavoured waters or have fruit juice diluted with water. Fruit juice is great towards your Five a Day - but remember that fruit contains a lot of natural sugar so don't over-do it

9. If you fancy a dessert or need to satisfy your sweet tooth, have a bowl of fruit salad. If you need something a little naughtier then go for low fat ice-cream or frozen yoghurt.

10. Finally, remember that it can take at least 20 minutes for your brain to register that you've had enough to eat so don't wolf it down. Take it slowly.

Jess Boanas, writer and mum on a mission at [] is helping other mums lose baby weight easily and safely. For more informative articles on Post Baby Weight Loss including real life case studies of mums who have succeeded with natural methods plus a Free 24-page guide to start you off visit [] now.

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Thursday, 6 August 2020

What Is the Paleo Diet All About?

So just what is the Paleo Diet and what exactly is it all about?

Thanks to the obscene levels of obesity and rife levels of heart disease and diabetes, there has never been a greater focus on overall society to become fit, slimmer and more healthy. Dieting and nutritional lifestyle choices have become endless and it would be fair to say that dieting in one way or another is now a way of life for the majority of people. And there are so, so many diets and programs available to us these days. They cover every topic known to man on the right foods to eat and avoid and in what combination but really, upon searching deeper, we will find that the answers we seek go back to our caveman ancestors.

With this endless choice and all the varying options and rules involved in each particular diet, it pays to really understand what each diet entails before you choose one and get started. It must be right for you and give you everything you need or are looking for without causing any additional problems or side effects.

Upon investigation you will see that many popular diets restrict carbohydrates or focus on fruit and vegetables. Other diets focus on only eating a certain food group or even raw foods only. Several also restrict or discourage large amounts of protein and meats. The Paleo Diet is quite unique however because the whole idea comes from simulating the natural aspects of the type of diet enjoyed by the very first humans - the caveman! What Is The Paleo Diet?

What is the Paleo Diet and where does it come from?

Known commonly as The Stone Age, Paleo comes from the Paleolithic period of history and the Paleo diet eating plan is often known as the "Hunter Gatherer Diet." It takes its name from the fact that all the food contained in this diet were either able to be hunted or gathered. Meats and Seafood come under the hunted category meanwhile nuts, vegetables and fruits for example are categorized under gathered.

Basically, this diet stems from the fact that early humans who had no access to or knowledge of animal husbandry and agriculture, had a diet that you either hunted or gathered for yourself. The Paleo Diet applies this slant and line of thinking to modern-day foods reducing and eliminating processed and man-made foods. This does not mean you are expected to hunt and gather for yourself! Just only that the nutrition choices we make are as natural and unaltered as possible.

The base foundation of the Paleo eating plan is that humans are genetically suited to eat the foods that our ancestors consumed. Therefore, before the introduction of agriculture, nutrition and food was so much different than that of today so in short, the Paleo diet imitates the foods that every single human on earth consumed and had available at that particular time.

Not only is the Paleo eating plan full of quality, natural, high nutritional value foods such as fruits and vegetables along with seafood and lean meats but it is perhaps known better for the foods, drinks and ingredients that are not consumed by those on the Paleo Diet. As the agriculture revolution provided us with foods our early ancestors never had such as dairy products, salt, sugar and even grains, they are not allowed to be consumed. Not only do some of these ingredients and food stuffs cause digestive problems but these products have been shown through endless research that they can lead to an increase in weight and a higher chance of developing health problems such as diabetes.

Because of its high protein content the Paleo nutritional lifestyle has a large and steadily growing athlete following. Thanks to the basic foods in the Paleo diet such as chicken, fish, lean meats, nuts, fruits and vegetables it is an athlete's dream providing energy, muscle development and fiber along with the reduction of all weight gaining and physique robbing junk food and unhelpful ingredients.

Most vegetables are great for the Paleo lifestyle however root vegetables will give you the biggest bang for your buck health wise. One of the most basic reasons why the Paleo diet lifestyle is healthy for you is simply because you practically reduce all additives and artificial preservatives, many of which have been proven to be harmful to your health.

So that's the basic premise which hopefully answers your question, What is the Paleo diet eating plan all about yet you may still be questioning why you would make the significant switch to the Paleo Diet.

There are many health benefits associated with this diet and not the least of them is potential relief for allergy sufferers thanks to the fact that the Paleo is naturally allergen free. Two of the biggest causes of common allergies, gluten and casein, are commonly found in manufactured foods. Because the overwhelming majority of foods available on the Paleo diet do not contain either gluten or casein, allergy sufferers can rejoice!

But don't forget about the weight loss potential for those on the Paleo. Apart from the protein aspect which is great for weight loss alone, the Paleo diet is naturally low in carbohydrates and has a low caloric count. It is also naturally high in fiber which is a crucial factor when it comes to over eating and weight loss. The low carbohydrates combined with the high amounts of natural fiber while on this diet ensures that the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and other weight related illnesses and ailments is decreased.

Last but not least, this diet has none of the other big risks when it comes to heart disease and cancer like additives, sugar, salt, saturated fats and of course the big one getting a heap of exposure in recent years, hydrogenated oils or trans fats as they are commonly known.

At first glance, the Paleo Diet lifestyle can seem like a hard choice to make with limited food options however if you look closer and explore a little deeper, those fears will be addressed and upon making some small worthy sacrifices you will be bettering your chance of actually living a healthier and happier, disease free life! And just remember that as close as you can get to this lifestyle choice, the benefits will start to appear.

Like as in exercise, 5 sit-ups is better than zero and going for a 20 minute walk is better than sitting on the couch! Same thing goes for the Paleo! Although following the diet 100% is ideal, your body will still start to thank you for every single step you take in living the ideals of the Paleo Diet!

In any case, there are plenty of recipes, cook books and resources available at that can help you learn more about the Paleo Diet Eating Plan, what is meant by Paleolithic Nutrition and assist you to more easily make this beneficial lifestyle change.

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Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Mind Power and Habits - Noom Diet Can Be the Game Changer in Your Weight Loss Mission

One of the biggest challenges you face during your weight loss program is to stay motivated.It happens because you do not want to change your habits, or simply put, you don't want to use your mind power to achieve your goal. Using the power of mind can be the real game changer in your mission to fat loss or full fitness. It is not as difficult as it seems to be, if you know how to trick your brain into believing that good habits are the key to success in fighting obesity.That is what Noom diet does.

Cliched tricks that work- Simple things are not easy

You must have heart or read that in order to achieve any big goal, you must set smaller goals first. Once you start achieving small goals, you set the pace for higher goals and eventually achieve the final goal. This age-old wisdom still holds true no matter what your goal is. As far as weight loss is concerned, setting goals is even simpler than choosing small steps for other goals such as financial, career related or any other specific goal. However, simple things are often not easy. For example, waking up early is simple, but not easy. Quitting smoking is simple, but is it really easy? No.

Quitting bad habits is simple but not easy- Don't be a slave to your habits

It goes without saying that you often follow your habitual eating habits, sleeping patterns and general lifestyle. That is what makes achieving your weight loss goal difficult. You are unknowingly a slave to your habits or bad habits to be precise. Those who can break their bad habits and pick up healthy habits fast, are the ones who achieve their goals easily and fast. When it comes to changing habits, your mind power plays a great role and boosting your mind power becomes the real challenge. That is when you need something or someone to keep you motivated.

Changing habits with technology

The moment we talk about technology, we often think of computers, mobile phones and apps, don't we? Yes that is true.So, why not use technology to break free from bad eating habits that make you obese, fat and full of health issues? There are various health apps that offer you assistance and support for fitness. Some of these apps also offer personal coach so that you can get customised diet plans and exercise programs to suit your exact needs, body type and overall lifestyle.

Are app based weight loss programs effective?

Does whatsapp or uber app work? Yes, they work because you use them the way they are supposed to be used. You can still use traditional methods to send messages or book a cab over the phone, but you use the app for these purposes. The same is true for health apps and programs. However, you must choose a program that is backed by a qualified human team to offer you persoanlised support. One such program is Noom.

Read the full Noom Diet Review to find out why it works and how it helps you use your mind power to change your eating habits naturally. Watch Noom Review Video quickly to get a clear idea of its unique features.

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Sunday, 2 August 2020

Five Tips For Making a Working Mothers Life Easier

Five Tips for making a Working Mothers Life Easier

If you're a working mum and feeling weighed down by the stress of raising children these are tips written to help you with the aim of getting time back on your side and your sanity back.

Working a full time job, bringing up a family and on top of this having a busy lifestyle is demanding - try these top 10 tried and tested tips for working mums on how to bring calm and some sparkle back into your life once again

1. Get organised

A good question to ask yourself would be - what arrangements can you introduce to make being at work all day and managing the home and family easier for you?

How much time to you spend shopping? You could save huge amounts of time and money by ordering online and having your food and other products you need delivered directly to your door, even to your kitchen in some cases - this could maybe ordered during your lunch break. There are so many services available to you to save you time and money - make some time to search them out.

Another great way of organising yourself, especially when you are a working mum, is to write a To-Do list. Add to it when you think of something that you need to do and tick it off once you have completed a task. Your To-Do list really will be your life saver. Whether you use an electronic organiser or a spiral notepad, list everything you need to get done. It's amazing how good it feels when you tick things off the list.

The best thing to do is research ideas, try them out, discover what works for you and stick to it!

2. Avoid Time wasters

Time wasters are the little things that consume your time unnecessarily and are arguably the single greatest sticking point to successful time management. The challenge is they are often tricky to recognize because they can be so trivial.

Here are just a few time wasters:
a) Disturbance - Set up your workspace so that there aren't any distractions that will disturb you. Take your phone of the hook when you are having quality time with the children.

b) Lack of planning - as the saying goes "If you fail to plan and you plan to fail". As said previously, file paperwork properly, keep a diary, write your to-do list. Basically, you need to be organized to use your time effectively.

c) Procrastination - try not to put things off - If you keep putting things off you will miss all the best opportunities in life and not get a lot done.

d) Delegation - are there tasks in your day that are not a good use of your time? If so, try to delegate them.

These and other time wasters are probably eating into your time, so try to identify these and any others and get rid of them.

This exercise should assist you in your first steps towards successful time management. Take little steps towards becoming more organised and as you continue to take more steps you will move closer and closer to your goals and find yourself with all the time you need for the things you want to do.

3. Be grateful

I know this sounds strange but when you arrive home from work, frazzled and feel like screaming at your partner or the children for the slightest thing and you're feeling really sorry for yourself, then its time to start feeling grateful and the best way to do this is to start a Gratitude Diary or a spiral notebook will be fine.

The technique is to write a list of 10 things that you are grateful or thankful for, every single day. It can be the little or big things. You will feel the benefits of this exercise immediately but if you keep it up, it soon becomes a useful tool to help you keep you positive when life is tough!

My view is, Life is certainly challenging, tough and demanding but at the same time Life is filled with so much beauty. There are infinite opportunities out there to experience whatever we desire, countless chances to create valuable, new products and services and endless opportunities to learn and grow.

The question is - what are you focussing on? You can choose to dwell on the experiences that make you sad or you can focus on the happy times- the more you really understand this and appreciate how this works the better your life will become!

4 Build a strong support system

Family and friends can be your backbone and if you don't have good people around you to support you- family and friends who can help you out. Stop right now and go out there and find it.

There are countless numbers of groups and organizations - filled with great people looking for friends. Start by looking on the web for groups near you, go to the library and build up your interests outside of work. Think of hobbies you can start that include the children. Go out there, talk to people at the park, outside the school, at the local swimming pool. People are out there looking for friends, just the same as you. Make an effort to make friends at work, maybe those people with families and with similar interests and values as you - suggest meeting up outside of work, with the kids, or arrange a baby sitter and go out for a drink or a meal. You could even organise a get together at yours over a weekend - invite friends of friends, neighbours, work colleagues. Take some time to look for friends, smile loads and take a genuine interest in those around you and in no time at all you'll soon start to build a good circle of friends to share your life with.

Treat people the way you want to be treated and you really can't fail but to begin making true friends. Friends that will be there to support and encourage you when you are thrown the challenges and help you celebrate during the good times.

5 Make time for YOU

You must make time for you. It might seem difficult when you are working and have children but it's so important.

If you don't believe you ought to or deserve to, then do it for your children because you really do deserve it. It helps you stay calmer and keeps you sane. If you're happy, the children are much more likely to be happy.

Ask yourself - what would you really like to do that you haven't been doing?

Allow yourself the chance to breathe and be you. Whether it's through exercising, reading or simply listening to music, you need these things in your life to help ground and inspire you and allow you to grow and be happy.

If it's difficult to get some "me" time, here are some ideas to consider. Get up a little earlier or stay up later. If you are better in the morning, set your alarm half hour to an hour before the rest of the household gets up and enjoy some reading, a quiet cup of coffee or even some yoga stretches or meditation. If you are a night owl, take some time out after the children go to bed. Are your children up late? If your kids are under 9 and they are up after 8 or 8:30, then they are probably up too late. If your child is still taking a nap and then full of energy at 8:30, then maybe it's time to drop that nap! If not, start their bed time routine earlier and let your children have some "quiet time" for a half hour if they can't sleep right away. Encourage them to listen to calming musi c, an audio-book or even better to read their own book in bed while you do something similar. Sometimes it's easy to over commit ourselves. Learn to be ruthless and say "No". Again, it's just a matter of finding out what works for you.

Start making positive changes - right now. With our help you can easily learn how to turn things around and start living the life of your dreams. Visit: [] or email:

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