Friday, 28 August 2020

3 Types of Vegan Diets to Lose Weight

One of the things that is said to reap quite really effective results is the vegetarian weight loss diet. You may wonder if having fruits and vegetables without any meat or any source of protein like milk and eggs is actually a healthy way of eating, right? Well, going on a vegetarian weight loss diet is, in fact, actually healthy. But don't worry because although you may generalize vegetarian diets as "vegan diets", there are actually kinds of vegetarian diets that you will learn about in a while.

The Types of Vegetarian Diets
• The Lacto-ovo Vegetarian Diet
Individuals who are lacto-ovo vegetarians omit only red meat, fish, and poultry from their diets. So dairy products like milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt are still part of their diet; eggs are also an addition to their plant-based diet.
• The Lacto-vegetarian Diet
Individuals who are lacto-vegetarians have a plant-based diet while omitting all meats, fish, and poultry. They do drink milk and take in dairy products too. But they don't eat eggs as part of their diet.
• The Vegan Diet
Individuals who go on a purely vegan diet is what you expect when people say "vegetarian". They eat only plant-based foods. No meat, not any single food products from animals, which includes milk, cheese, eggs, butter, yogurt, and the like.

Which One to Choose?
Basically, it all depends on you. Just know the basics that vegetarians do not include meat, chicken, and fish in their diets. It is mostly consisted of vegetables, fruits, nuts, sees, whole grains, and legumes. So it is up to you as to what are the foods that you can live on. Okay, if you are thinking of switching lifestyles - thinking of really becoming a vegetarian, that is a lifestyle change. But if you are thinking of only using a vegetarian weight loss diet to lose weight, then it is most likely temporary -- although you might end up sticking with it when you see how good it makes you feel and look.

Truth be told, going into a vegetarian weight loss diet, or simply trying to be a vegetarian can be quite difficult after a lifetime of eating meat and the likes. So you can start slowly. Start with the lacto-ovo diet, and then if you're up for cutting out some stuff, go for the lacto-vegetarian diet. And you can take it from there if you would like to proceed to the purely vegan diet. Just remember, taking baby steps can ensure a slowly but surely process on the success of your diet.

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