Yoga can heal a stressed mind by helping you rid yourself of negative feelings and thoughts. The mental aspect of Yoga is a form of self-help, which creates a positive state of mind through tranquility. Yoga will empower you to take control of your life with a calm mind - but let's take a reality check first.
Each of the following fours subjects we discuss can cause us damage to our mental and physical state of health. Let's determine what we can do and if they are real. In each case, Yoga can give you inner strength to deal with these troubles.
Fear can be real, but most often is self-created because it is fear of what we do not know or understand. Take a close look at what your fear is. Is it something you can take action to prevent? Can you develop a "damage control" plan?
This type of thinking is not Yoga meditation. It is self-analysis that gives you the power to determine real from imaginary. In Jnana Yoga, you learn through reading, facing the truth, and putting the principles into action.
One last point about fear: If it is real, you have to take action, and this may be a major move in life; however, if you or your family's survival is at stake, worrying will not solve fear. You have no choice, other than taking positive action.
Self-pity can cause us pain, sorrow, and grief. We feel self-pity from loss, but we must pick ourselves up and move on. Yoga practice, Yoga classes, and Yoga meditation can help us bear this pain, but positive habits, and time, heal us, as well.
Yogic philosophy teaches us to do something for someone who is less fortunate. Even when our own situation looks dismal, it will not be hard to find a person who needs our help. When you help others, this is a form of Karma Yoga, and you will feel better about yourself.
Insecurity is a result of lack of faith. Yoga can help you find faith again. Everyone who practices Yoga long enough understands the Yogic aspect of spiritual health. You do not have to be any particular religion to find your spiritual side. Yoga is universal, non-threatening, and does not discriminate.
Past failures drain us of life energy, if we do not put them behind us and learn from them. Yoga teaches us to live in this moment. The present determines the future, and the past is history. You can learn from history, but you cannot change it.
Sometimes, past failures create a state of mind, where we cannot forgive ourselves or others for mistakes and wrong doings. Who do we punish by withholding forgiveness? We create a "prison" for ourselves, when we do not forgive. Yoga teaches us self-empowerment, not self-imprisonment.
Lastly, if you want peace of mind, you must take action, find solutions, or visit your local Yoga class. Peace of mind is a choice for most of us. If you have the power to visit a Yoga class, you have the power to gain peace of mind.
© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications
Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:
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